Paper Dolls for Boys

Raising 2 crafty boys and thrifting every chance I get.

Snaps From My Parent’s House August 8, 2008

Filed under: Family & Friends — twlowenstein @ 9:42 pm
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During my blog absence I was at my parent’s house in NC. My parents have moved probably 14 times in their married life, correct me if I’m wrong Mom. Something that I appreciate is that they have always made the place we lived into HOME, no matter how long we were planning on staying. I appreciate it even more as I am currently struggling with investing emotion, energy, money and time into this apartment. We are (hopefully) moving next summer and that’s making me even less motivated. So thanks M&D for setting up home every time, everywhere.

I was happy to see this.

My parents got this in Mexico a looong time ago and it has been in storage for years. It’s painted metal and I covet it. I had forgotten it but when I saw it in the kitchen it instantly reminded me of my childhood.

Check out this photo, it was apparently, a happy childhood. Can’t you just see that piece hanging in this kitchen? I blew this up so A) you could take a gander at my little brother,the cutie. He was the kind of kid that ladies at the supermarket gave free cookies to and B) so you can fully appreciate the wallpaper. Sweet.

This is a vintage piece of Thai textile that has the tiniest bit of chartreuse in it. I LOVE it. My Mom said as I was taking photos, “Well, at least I know where all our stuff is going to end up when I die!” She meant Etsy.

This I made for my Mom at a paint your own pottery place.

These were my Granny and Granddaddy’s (the antiques dealer):

And this, my dad thinks, was my Great-Granny’s. It’s tied from tobacco twine.

Thanks Mom and Dad for such a great trip and being such good sports about us invading your space. And a fine space it is!