Paper Dolls for Boys

Raising 2 crafty boys and thrifting every chance I get.

Alphabet Sunday :: L January 25, 2009

Filed under: Project Alphabet Sunday,Uncategorized — twlowenstein @ 8:43 am
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Lauren says L is for Latkes:


Tracey says L is for Lollipop:



8 Responses to “Alphabet Sunday :: L”

  1. Paige Says:

    Mmmm…never had Latkes, but they look darn yummy. Love the monster lollipops, too.

  2. uncle danno Says:

    I would like an order of both! Nice photos…yummy looking goodies.

  3. Crystal Says:

    Great. Now I am hungry. 🙂

    Those latkes look so crispy and good.

  4. Lisa Says:

    I have never seen such enormous lollipops! They look so bright and colourful.

  5. kindred spirit Says:

    Wish I had a couple of those Latkes for breakfast this morning! I had some yummy ones during the holidays at at brunch. Now I am hungry! Grandmother use to make something similar…we called them potatoe pancakes. She used mashed potatoes. Pop loved them! Have a great week!

  6. cindy Says:

    i’ve never had those? they sure look delicious tho!

  7. Lauren Says:

    I’ll just put a plug in for trying out the Latkes… they are quite easy and a crowd pleaser. I got this recipe from smittenkitchen on her food blog that will drive you crazy with cravings.

  8. Ok Lauren, first you have to show me up with the freezer paper stenciling and now your non-Jewish self is showing me up with the latkes! ENOUGH WOMAN.

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