Paper Dolls for Boys

Raising 2 crafty boys and thrifting every chance I get.

She Got Me GOOD! August 16, 2008

Filed under: Family & Friends — twlowenstein @ 5:52 pm

When I was a little girl, my parents and their friends passed around a rubber lobster as a joke. If you threw a dinner party you were likely to crawl into bed (perhaps a little tipsy) to frightfully find the rubber lobster under your pillow. Or in your sleeping bag on camping trips. I have fond memories of that sport.

When my mom was up for a visit she brought my youngest a little stuffed doll that I found terrifying. My friend V and her sons were over for a playdate and I asked her, in front of my mother, if she didn’t find it a little demonic and she answered in the affirmative. There were many signs, but that was a big one that we were going to be fast friends. Most people would have done the “polite” thing and faked it, not V. I dropped off a jacket at her house soon after and put this little guy in the sleeve. Scared her and cracked myself up. That was a loooong time ago and I had marked the game as dead. And then today I get an envelope in the mail, which I excitedly tore open, wondering which forgotten etsy or ebay purchase I was about to feast my eyes upon and inside was the little half Winnie the Pooh half baby doll. I am still laughing. She got me good! And to make matters worse, my little one has taken to carting the beast around, I hope he doesn’t think he has finally picked a lovie!

Be warned V, your time will come!

If you have small children in the room you might want to adjust your screen or cover their eyes.

Did you ever see the movie with the doll that comes alive? The suitcase scene still haunts me. Sleeping with one eye open tonight.


7 Responses to “She Got Me GOOD!”

  1. melissa s. Says:

    that’s horrifying. i’ve done similar swaps with a turkey baster and an insanely obnoxious christmas ornament and lmao every time i see them show up in the oddest places!

  2. lexi Says:

    Haha, that thing is freaky!!

    I wrap up bad things I have received and give them to my sisters for Christmas. Ohh it is painfully funny to watch them unwrap and feign excitement over whatever it is ( a really ugly dolphin teapot was the last gift), only to discover it’s only a joke. I am waiting for them to get me back…

  3. That thing is truly terrifying. Chuckie-like, but also like that mannequin in Magic (I think that’s the movie you are talking about?). Anyhow, this was my first stop to your blog and I’ll definitely be back! Nice blog!

  4. p.s. love your blog name.

  5. V Says:

    I’ll be waiting! …always anticipating…trying to unfoil your twisted but witty plot for revenge!

  6. Tonya Says:

    that is the most terrifyingly hilarious doll i have ever seen.
    i used to have a chuckie-like doll (but he wore a three piece suit) that i would scare my old roommate with. i really wish i hadn’t given him away because i’d love to mail him to her out of the blue.

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